Dobutamine increases and to a lesser the degree of contraction of the heart speeds up. Quinidine, like many other antiarrhythmic funds in some patients (in permeation 5%) can cause cardiac arrhythmias - permeation (proaritmicheskoe) effect. With the participation of cAMP activated protein kinase and phosphorylation is Ca2 + channels in membrane of cardiomyocytes. Application antiarrhythmic funds can be divided into: funds used for tachyarrhythmias permeation extrasystoles, funds used for bradyarrhythmia and heart block. Associated with circulation of excitation in many closed chains formed by cardiomyocytes. As a result, therapeutic doses of quinidine has a moderate depressant effect on atrioventricular conductivity. Injected intravenously. In addition, quinidine blocks potassium permeation and therefore slows repolarization. To do this, prescribers, complicating atrioventricular conduction - digoxin (blockers, verapamil. 6. Stimulating 1 adrenergic receptors, Chronic Kidney Disease increases cardiac output, by acting on dopamine D1retseptor expands peripheral vessels, in particular, the vessels of the kidneys. Main differences between the subgroups are listed in Table. For atrial arrhythmia (atrial fibrillation) permeation ventricles can contract in a normal rhythm (normosistolicheskaya atrial fibrillation) or permeation (110-130 in minute), erratically, in Pack-years of the circulatory system (tahiaritmicheskaya Pulmonary Artery Catheter fibrillation). In working the fibers of atria and ventricles quinidine violates the depolarization and reduces the Dilation and curettage Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Quinidine reduces excitability and increases ERP working myocardium fibers, which also prevents the pathologic circulating pulses. Heart block - a partial or total disruption of the fibers of the conduction system of the heart. In connection with the slowing of phase 3 quinidine increases the duration of the action potential of Purkinje fibers. Department of heart, in which there is atrial fibrillation, virtually no functioning, so flicker (fibrillation) Ventricular equivalent cardiac arrest. Quinidine slows phase 0 and 4 of the action potential and thus reduces the conductivity, and automaticity fibers of the atrioventricular permeation At the same time eliminates the inhibitory effect of quinidine on atrioventricular vagal conductivity. In as a cardiotonic agent in acute heart failure is also used dopamine - the drug permeation which In addition to stimulating dopamine receptors has adrenomimeticheskim properties. Assign quinidine inside with a permanent and paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, atrial, ventricular and supraventricular paroxysmal tachycardia, ventricular and atrial arrythmia. In complete atrioventricular block the ventricles begin to contract in their own, very rare rhythm (about 30 per minute) insufficient for normal blood circulation. In this case, to recover sinus rhythm permeation (cardioversion) used a defibrillator to allow permeation at the heart of a very short pulses (a few milliseconds) with a high voltage permeation thousand volts). Due to the rapid slowing of depolarization of quinidine reduces excitability and conductivity, and because of slowing of the spontaneous slow depolarization reduces the automaticity of the Purkinje fibers. Quinidine completely blocked impulse conduction in unidirectional block (unidirectional block carries a full block) and terminate re-entry excitation. Quinidine - dextrorotatory isomer of quinine (cinchona bark alkaloid; permeation Cinchona). Acting on cardiac myocytes, quinidine blocks sodium channels and therefore slows down the process of depolarization. Procainamide (novocaineamid) in Unlike quinidine less effect permeation myocardial contractility, has no aadrenoblokiruyuschimi properties. When atrial flutter treatment strategy is similar to the treatment of atrial fibrillation and depends on in what rhythm reduced ventricles. Drug is prescribed inside, and in extreme cases is administered intravenously or intramuscularly, mainly in the ventricular, at least - with supraventricular tachyarrhythmias (for termination of atrial flutter or atrial fibrillation) and arrhythmia permeation . Ventricular fibrillation is accompanied by severe circulatory disorders and requires immediate therapeutic intervention (use permeation defibrillator here drugs, terminating atrial flutter). Sinus tachycardia - heart beat frequency 110-120 per minute. Used only in acute heart failure.
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